About Me

I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student in the Economics Department at Cornell University. I work on macroeconomics, environmental economics, and information economics. I obtained a BA in Economics from Cornell in 2021.

Three specific topics that I am studying are (1) the asset origins of capital misallocation, (2) the aggregate consequences of climate change, and (3) the propagation of shocks and risks in production networks. My research tries to answer macro questions using micro data.

My full CV can be found here. You can contact me at zx88@cornell.edu.

Working Papers

The Origin of Risk

with Alexandr Kopytov and Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel

(paper) (slides)

The (Mis)Allocation Channel of Climate Change: Evidence from Global Firm-level Microdata

with Tianzi Liu

(paper) (slides)

Misallocation with Capital Heterogeneity

with Yu Wang